1. How can I get rid of the flickering at transitions like e.g. Overview <-> Site Pano, Site Pano <-> Zoom, etc.?
The flickering can unfortunately not be eliminated.

2. Why does loading the plant zooms take so long?
The Zooms are short video sequencees, and thus need a lot of memory. Loading the DVD may therefore take some time. The loading speed does also depend on your machine.

3. How do I get back to the pano after viewing a plant zoom?
Zoom out completely until you see the blue double-headed arrow. Click on the arrow.

4. Can I control the soil clips individually?
The soil clips can only be viewed as a whole. Fast-forwarding/rewinding or the direct selection of a certain sequence is not possible.

5. Why does the pano pan in on a different view, once I have clicked on a hotspot?
This has to do with the technique of how the objects were recorded in the field.

6. Is a specific site really filmed where I have seen it in the Overview mode?
The overviews simply show the occurrence of this vegetation type in that habitat. It may be but doesn't necessarily mean that we filmed it in exactly that spot.